Ied ia

De Wikibooks



un dictionario del lingua international
a dictionary of the international language
preparate per le bureau de recerca del
prepared by the research staff of the
Association del Lingua Auxiliari International
International Auxiliary Language Association
sub le direction de Alexander Gode, Ph.D.
under the direction of Alexander Gode, Ph.D.




per le Association del Lingua Auxiliari International
by International Auxiliary Language Association

Prefacio al Secunde Edition

Preface to the Second Edition

Iste dictionario era initialmente publicate sub le auspicios e le supervision del Association del Lingua Auxiliari International in 1951. In 1971, post vinti annos, illo es reimprimite.

This dictionary was first published under the auspices and the guidance of The International Auxiliary Language Association in 1951. In 1971, twenty years later, it is being reprinted.

Obviemente iste libro non pote esser classificate como un "best seller" mesmo per le standards conservative del mercato de dictionarios, e le question "Proque reimprimer le libro?" debe esser respondite como face le question "Que occurreva al impression original de cinque milles exemplares?"

Obviously this volume cannot be classed as a best seller even by the conservative standards of the dictionary market, and the question “Why reprint the book?” needs to be answered as does the question “What happened to the original printing of five thousand copies?”

Le responsa al secunde question es: Alicunos de iste libros collige pulvere al porta-libros de enthusiastas qui transientemente imbraciava Interlingua como un salvation mundial; sed le grande majoritate de exemplares son nunc disperse sur le facie del globo, in bibliothecas de individuales e institutiones que son conscie de e interssate in le similaritates linguistic in le structura del linguas romance. Iste similaritates son, post toto, le substantia e le spina de iste libro.

To answer the second question first: A few of these books are gathering dust on the shelves of enthusiasts who transiently embraced Interlingua as a world salvation; but the great majority of copies are now scattered over the face of the globe, in the libraries of individuals and institutions who are aware of and interested in the linguistic similarities within the structure of the Romance languages, which similarities are, after all, the substance and the backbone of this volume.

Al prime question: Le dictionario ha essite reimprimite proque il ha demanda pro illo. Isto indica que in duo decennios Interlingua non ha simplemente exhaurite su utilitate e es nunc circumerrante in placias extravagante como un atavismo historic sed que illo ha establite se in Europa e America, exequente su function de communicationes in tal campos varie como spectroscopia molecular e demographia.

As to the first question: The dictionary is being reprinted because there is a demand for it. This indicates that in two decades Interlingua has not simply outlived its usefulness and is now hanging around in odd corners as an historical atavism but that it has established itself in Europe and in America, performing its communications function in such varied fields as molecular spectroscopy and demography.

Ante vinti annos le Dictionario Interlingua Anglese era le producto de un aventura de recerca linguistic; hodie illo es un utensile establite in communication international.

Twenty years ago the Interlingua-English Dictionary was the product of a linguistic research venture; today it is an established tool of international communication.







Consciente del function del scientia
Conscious of the function of scholarship
in le establimento
in the establishment
de un lingua commun pro communication international,
of a common language for international communication,
Alice V. Morris e Dave Hennen Morris
Alice V. Morris and Dave Hennen Morris
interprendeva a provider un movimento de lingua auxiliar
undertook to provide the auxiliary-language movement
con un centro de recerca, un laboratorio e un foro.
with a center of research, a laboratory and a forum.

Le Association del Lingua Auxiliari International
The International Auxiliary Language Association
era fundate sub lor direction.
was founded under their leadership.
Sub lor supervision
Under their guidance
su programma de labor era concipite e disveloppate.
its program of work was conceived and developed.

Per vinti-cinque annos
For twenty-five years
sra Morris participava
Mrs. Morris took part
in omne phase del labor del Association.
in every phase of the work of the Association.

Omne tempore
At all times
ille labor derivava le optime beneficio
that work derived the greatest benefit
de sagessa de su sposo,
from her husband's wisdom,
ex su experientia in affaires international.
from his experience in international affairs.

Que iste libro,
May this volume,
como un fundation pro labor futur
as a foundation for future work
per omne intention al complimento
by all intent upon the achievement
de un lingua auxiliar mundial,
of a world auxiliary language,
va esser lor memorial vivente.
be their living memorial.

